The W78E378, W78C378 and W78C374B are ASIC which is a stand-alone high-performance microcontroller specially designed for monitor control applications. The device integrates the embedded 80C31 microcontroller core, on-chip MTP or Mask ROM, 576 bytes of RAM, and a number of dedicated hardware monitor functions. Additional special function registers are incorporated to control the on-chip peripheral hardware. The chip is used to control the interface signal of other devices in the monitor and to process the video sync signals. Because of the highly integration and Flash cell for program memory, the device can offer users the competitive advantages of low cost and reduced development time.
· 80C31 MCU Core Embedded
· 32K Bytes MTP-ROM (W78E378)
· 32K Bytes Mask-ROM (W78C378)
· 16K Bytes Mask-ROM (W78C374B)
· Total 576 Bytes of On-chip Data RAM
- 256 bytes accessed as in the 80C32
- 320 bytes accessed as external data memory via "MOVX @Ri"
- Eight 8-bit Static PWM DACs: DAC0-DAC8
- Three 8-bit Dynamic PWM DACs: DAC9-DAC10
· Sync Processor
- Horizontal & Vertical Polarity Detector
- Sync Separator for Composite Sync
- 12-bit Horizontal & Vertical Frequency Counter
- Programmable Dummy Frequency Generator
- Programmable H-clamp Pulse Output
- SOA Interrupt
- Hsync/2 Output
· Serial Ports:
- DDC1 Port- support DDC1
- SIO1 & SIO2 Ports - each can support DDC2B/2B+/2Bi/2AB (each has 2 slave addresses)
· Two 16-bit Timer/Counters (8031's Timer0 & Timer1)
· One External Interrupt Input (8031's INT0 )
· One Parabola Interrupt Generator
· One ADC with 7 Multiplexed Analog Inputs
· Two 12 mA(min) Output Pins for Driving LEDs
· Watchdog Timer (222/Fosc = 0.42s @Fosc = 10 MHz)
· Power Low Reset
· Frequency: 10 MHz max. (with the same performance as a normal 8051 that uses 20 MHz)
· Packaged in 40/32-pin 600 mil DIP & 44-pin PLCC