Aeroflex UTMC
The high-performance UT0.25μ Commercial RadHardTM ASIC structured array family features densities up to 3,000,000 equivalent gates and is available in multiple quality assurance levels such as MIL-PRF-38535, QML Q and V, military and industrial grades and non-RadHard versions.
For those designs requiring stringent radiation hardness, Aeroflex UTMC’s 0.25μ deep sub-micron process employs a special technique that enhances the total dose radiation hardness from 100Krads(Si) to 1 Megarad while maintaining circuit density and reliability. In addition, for both greater transient radiation hardness and latch-up immunity, the deep submicron process is built on epitaxial wafers.
❐ Up to 3,000,000 usable equivalent gates using structured array architecture
❐ Toggle rates up to 1.6 GHz
❐ Advanced 0.25m silicon gate CMOS processed in a commercial fab
❐ Operating voltage of 3.3V and 2.5V
❐ I/O buffers are 5-volt compliant
❐ Multiple product assurance levels available, QML Q and V, military, industrial
❐ Radiation hardened from 100Krads(Si) to 1 Megarad total dose available using Aeroflex UTMC’s RadHard techniques
❐ SEU-immune to less than 1.0E-10 errors/bits-day available using special library cells
❐ Robust Aeroflex UTMC Design Library of cells and macros
❐ Design support for Mentor Graphics®, SynopsysTM, in Verilog and VHDL design languages on Sun and Linux workstations
❐ Full complement of industry standard IP cores
❐ Configurable RAM compilers
❐ Supports cold sparing for power down applications
❐ Power dissipation of 0.04mW/MHz/gate at VDDCORE 2.5V and 20% duty cycle