The US2075 is a dual function IC combining a switching controller and a 7.5A low dropout regulator all in a compact 7 pin TO220 and TO263 surface mount packages providing a total solution for dual supply processor applications such as an Intel P55C ä, AMD K6ä, as well as Cyrix 6X86Lä and the M2äprocessors.
■ The US2075 eliminates the need for a seperate switching controller IC
■ Minimum part count allows lower system cost
■ Fixed 3.30V/7.5A LDO on board
■ On board MOSFET driver
■ Fastest transient response of any controller method. ( 0 to 100% Duty Cycle in 100 nS )
■ 1% internal voltage reference
■ Internal Thermal shutdown
■ Internal Under Voltage Lockout protects MOSFET during start-up
■ Dual supply low voltage processor applications, such as: P55Cä,CYRIX M2ä, POWER PCä and AMD