NEC => Renesas Technology
µPC8103T and µPC8108T are silicon monolithic integrated circuits designed as mixer-oscillator series for pager system. Due to 1 V supply voltage, these ICs are suitable for low voltage pager system. These ICs are packaged in 6 pin mini mold suitable for high-density surface mounting.
These ICs are manufactured using NEC’s 20 GHz fT NESATTM III silicon bipolar process. This process uses silicon nitride passivation film and gold electrodes. These materials contributes excellent DC, AC performance. Thus, these ICs are utilized as 1 V voltage ICs.
• 1 V supply voltage: VCC = 1.0 V to 2.0 V
• Low current consumption µPC8103T: lCC = 1.0 mA TYP. @ VCC = 1.0 V
µPC8108T: lCC = 1.5 mA TYP. @ VCC = 1.0 V
• Wide band operation µPC8103T: fRF = 150 MHz to 330 MHz
µPC8108T: fRF = 150 MHz to 930 MHz
• High-density surface mounting: 6 pin mini mold