NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPC2726T is a silicon microwave monolithic integrated circuit designed for miniature differenctial amplifier. This IC operates up to 1.6 GHz and therefore is suitable for BS tuner, mobile communication and measurement equipment applications. This IC can also use as differential oscillator application.
The µPC27×× series is manufactured using NEC’s 20 GHz fT NESATTM III silicon bipolar process. This process uses silicon nitride passivation film and gold metallization wirings. These materials can protect the chips from external pollution and prevent corrosion and migration. Thus, this process can produce the ICs with excellent performance, uniformity and reliability.
• Wide frequency respone − fU= 1.6 GHz @ −3 dB GP, VCC = 5 V
• Power gain − GP = 15 dB @ 5 V
• Low power consumption: 5 V, 15 mA TYP./2 V, 2.5 mA
• 6 pin mini mold for high-density surface mounting.