General Description
UM3561 is a low-cost, low-power CMOS LSI designed for use in alarm and toy applications. Since the integrated circuit includes oscillator and selector circuits, a compact sound module can be constructed with only a few additional components. The M3561 contains a programmed mask ROM to simulate siren sound.
• Four sounds can be selected
• Typical 3V operating voltage
• 8-pin DIP package form
• Power on reset.
• A magnetic speaker can be driven by connecting an NPN transistor
Absolute Maximum Ratings
DC Supply Voltage ................................ -0.3V to +5.0V
Input Voltage Range ............................ Vss-0.3V to Vdd+0.3V
Operating Ambient Temperature .......... -10°C to +60°C
Storage Temperature ............................ -55°C to +125°C