The TSH690 is a wide band RF amplifier, designed in advanced bipolar process. At 450 MHz, it features 28dB gain and +13.5dBm (20 mW) output power at 3V. At 900 MHz, it features 23 dB gain and +15.5 dBm (35 mW) output power at 3V.
The pin 8 allows a bias current adjust, setting the RF output level and the amplifier behaviour. It allows using the TSH690 from the linear A-class trough the AB-class to power-down mode.
The TSH690 is suited to drive power amplifiers in cellular phones (GSM, TDMA) for which the ’turn-on time’ is controlled by a voltage ramp. The more than 20 mW output power makes the TSH690 dedicated as output stage for 433MHz and 868 MHz ISM transmitters.
■ Supply voltage: 1.5V to 5V
■ >20 mW adjustable output power
■ 28 dB gain at 450 MHz
■ 21 dB gain at 900 MHz
■ 50 Ω matched input and output
■ Bias pin to adjust the amplification class
■ Power down
■ 433 MHz and 868 MHz ISM transmitters
■ Telemetering systems
■ Remote controls
■ Cordless Telephones
■ Driver for cellular phones
■ Wide band applications