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Philips Electronics
The TEA6849H is a single IC with car radio tuner for AM, FM and Weather Band (WB) intended for microcontroller tuning with the I2C-bus. It provides the following functions:
• AM double conversion receiver for LW, MW and SW (31 m, 41 m and 49 m bands) with IF1 = 10.7 MHz and IF2 = 450 kHz
• FM double conversion receiver with integrated image rejection for IF1 and for IF2 capable of selecting US FM, US weather, Europe FM, East Europe FM and Japan FM bands; fully integrated dynamic selectivity at 450 kHz FM IF2; FM demodulator with dynamic threshold extension; centre frequency alignment of IF2 selectivity via the I2C-bus
• The tuning system includes VCO, crystal oscillator and PLL synthesizer on one chip.