Philips Electronics
The TEA1103x are fast charge ICs which are able to fast charge NiCd and NiMH batteries.
The main fast charge termination for NiCd and NiMH batteries are ∆T/∆t and peak voltage detection, both of which are well proven techniques. The TEA1103x automatically switches over from ∆T/∆t to peak voltage detection if the thermistor fails or is not present. The ∆T/∆t detection sensitivity is temperature dependent, thus avoiding false charge termination. Three charge states can be distinguished; fast, top-off and trickle.
• Safe and fast charging of Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) and Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries
• Pin compatible with the TEA1102x, fast charge ICs for LiIon, SLA, NiCd and NiMH batteries
• Three charge states for NiCd or NiMH; fast, top-off and trickle or voltage regulation (optional)
• Adjustable fast charge current [0.5CA to 5CA nominal (CA = Capacity Amperes)]
• DC top-off and pulsating trickle charge current (NiCd and NiMH)
• Temperature dependent ∆T/∆t battery full detection
• Automatic switch-over to accurate peak voltage detection (−1⁄4%) if no NTC is applied
• Possibility to use both ∆T/∆t and peak voltage detection as main fast charge termination
• Support of inhibit during all charging states
• Manual refresh with regulated adjustable discharge current (NiCd and NiMH)
• Voltage regulation in the event of no battery
• Support of battery voltage based charge indication and buzzer signalling at battery insertion, end of refresh and at full detection
• Single, dual and separate LED outputs for indication of charge status state
• Minimum and maximum temperature protection
• Time-out protection
• Short-circuit battery voltage protection
• Can be applied with few low-cost external components.