Philips Electronics
The TDA9965A is a 12-bit analog-to-digital interface for a CCD camera. The device includes a CTH circuit, PGA and a low-power 12-bit ADC, together with its reference voltage regulator.
The CTH has a bandwidth circuit controlled by on-chip DACs via a serial interface.
A 10-bit digital clamp controls the ADC input clamp level.
• Clamp and Track/Hold (CTH) circuit with adjustable bandwidth, Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA), 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and reference regulator
• Fully programmable via a 3-wire serial interface
• Sampling frequency up to 40 MHz
• PGA gain from 0 to 36 dB (in 0.05 dB steps)
• CTH programmable bandwidth from 35 to 284 MHz typical
• Standby mode (20 mW typical)
• Low power consumption of only 425 mW typical
• 5 V operation and 3 to 5.25 V operation for the digital outputs
• TTL compatible inputs; TTL and CMOS compatible outputs.
• CCD camera systems.