Philips Electronics
The TDA8004T is a complete low cost analog interface for asynchronous smart cards. It can be placed betw the card and the microcontroller with very few external components to perform all supply protection and control functions.
• 3 or 5 V supply for the IC (GND and VDD)
• Step-up converter for VCCgeneration (separately powered with a 5 V±10% supply, VDDPand PGND)
• 3 specific protected half duplex bidirectional buffered I/O lines (C4, C7 and C8)
• VCCregulation 5 V±5% on 2×100 nF or 1×100 nF and 1×220 nF multilayer ceramic capacitors with low ESR, ICC< 65 mA at 4.5 V < VDDP< 6.5 V, current spikes of 40 nAs up to 20 MHz, with controlled rise and fall times, filtered overload detection approximately 90 mA)
• Thermal and short-circuit protections on all card contacts
• Automatic activation and deactivation sequences(initiated by software or by hardware in the event of a
short-circuit, card take-off, overheating or supply drop-out)
• Enhanced ESD protection on card side (>6 kV)
• 26 MHz integrated crystal oscillator
• Clock generation for the card up to 20 MHz (divided by 1, 2, 4 or 8 through CLKDIV1 and CLKDIV2 signals)
• Non-inverted control of RST via pin RSTIN
• ISO 7816, GSM11.11 and EMV (payment systems) compatibility
• Supply supervisor for spikes killing during power-on and power-off
• One multiplexed status signalOFF.
• IC card readers for banking
• Electronic payment
• Identification
• Pay TV.