Philips Electronics
The TDA5630BT is a monolithic integrated circuit that performs VHF and UHF mixer/oscillator functions in TV and VCR cable tuners. With a proper oscillator application and by using a switchable inductor to split the VHF band into two sub-bands, the full VHF/UHF TV bands can be covered. This low-power mixer/oscillator requires a power supply of 9 V and is available in a very small package.
• Balanced mixer with a common emitter input for band A (single input)
• 2-pin oscillator for band A
• Balanced mixer with a common base input for band C
• 3-pin oscillator for band C
• Local oscillator buffer output for external prescaler
• SAW filter preamplifier with a low output impedance to drive a SAW filter
• Band gap voltage stabilizer for oscillator stability
• Electronic band switch.
• Cable tuners for TV and VCR (switched concept for VHF)
• Recommended RF bands for Europe: 48.25 to 105.25 MHz, 112.25 to 294.25 MHz and 471.25 to 855.25 MHz
• Recommended RF bands for the USA: 55.25 to 133.25 MHz, 139.25 to 361.25 MHz and 367.25 to 801.25 MHz.