Microchip Technology
The TC232 is a dual RS-232 transmitter/receiver that complies with EIA /TIA RS-232E guidelines and is ideal for all RS-232 communication links. This device operates from a 5V power supply and contains two charge pump voltage converters that produce ±10V power supplies.
The TC232 has four level translators. Two are RS-232 transmitters that convert TTL/CMOS input levels to 9V RS-232 outputs. The other two translators are RS-232 receivers that convert RS-232 inputs to 5V TTL/CMOS output levels. The receivers have a nominal threshold of 1.3V, a typical hysteresis of 0.5V, and can operate with inputs up to ±30V.
■ Meets All RS-232 Specifications
■ Operates From Single 5V Power Supply
■ 2 Drivers and 2 Receivers
■ On-Board Voltage Quadrupler
■ Input Levels .......................................................±30V
■ Output Swing With +5V Supply .........................±9V
■ Low Supply Current ........................................ 5 mA
■ Does not require external ±12V supplies
■ RS-232C Communication Links
■ Modems, peripherals, computers
■ Battery-powered systems