The ST7MCx device is member of the ST7 microcontroller family designed for mid-range applications with a Motor Control dedicated peripheral.
All devices are based on a common industrystandard 8-bit core, featuring an enhanced instruction set and are available with FLASH, ROM or FASTROM program memory.
Under software control, all devices can be placed in Wait, Slow, Active-halt or Halt mode, reducing power consumption when the application is in idle or stand-by state.
■ Memories
– 8K to 60K dual voltage Flash Program memory or ROM with read-out protection capability, In-application programming and In-circuit programming.
– 384 to 1.5K RAM
– HDFlash endurance: 100 cycles, data retention: 40 years at 85°C
■ Clock, reset and supply management
– Enhanced reset system
– Enhanced low voltage supervisor (LVD) for main supply and auxiliary voltage detector (AVD) with interrupt capability
– Clock sources: crystal/ceramic resonator oscillators and by-pass for external clock, clock security system.
– Four power saving modes: Halt, Active-halt, Wait and Slow
■ Interrupt management
– Nested interrupt controller
– 14 interrupt vectors plus TRAP and RESET
– MCES top level interrupt pin
– 16 external interrupt lines (on 3 vectors)
■ Up to 60 I/O ports
– up to 60 multifunctional bidirectional I/O lines
– up to 41 alternate function lines
– up to 12 high sink outputs
■ 5 timers
– Main clock controller with: Real-time base, Beep and clock-out capabilities
– Configurable window watchdog timer
– Two 16-bit timers with: 2 input captures, 2 output compares, external clock input, PWM and pulse generator modes
– 8-bit PWM Auto-reload timer with: 2 input captures, 4 PWM outputs, output compare and time base interrupt, external clock with event detector
■ 2 Communication interfaces
– SPI synchronous serial interface
– LINSCI™ asynchronous serial interface
■ Brushless motor control peripheral
– 6 high sink PWM output channels for sinewave or trapezoidal inverter control
– Motor safety including asynchronous emergency stop and write-once registers
– 4 analog inputs for rotor position detection (sensorless/hall/tacho/encoder)
– Permanent magnet motor coprocessor including multiplier, programmable filters, blanking windows and event counters
– Operational amplifier and comparator for current/voltage mode regulation and limitation
■ Analog peripheral
– 10-bit ADC with 16 input pins
■ In-circuit Debug
■ Instruction set
– 8-bit data manipulation
– 63 basic instructions with illegal opcode detection
– 17 main Addressing modes
– 8 x 8 unsigned multiply instruction
– True bit manipulation
■ Development tools
– Full hardware/software development package