Different programming boards are designed for programming the various EPROM and OTP devices of the ST62 microcontroller family. For a particular device, all available packages (except SSOP) are supported by the same programming board.
It can run either in standalone or remote mode (connected to a PC). In standalone mode, the microcontrollers can be programmed by simply pressing a key to start copying the code from a master EPROM device or a master microcontroller. Two-color LEDs indicate if the operation has passed or failed.
In standalone mode an EPROM memory or a master MCU is plugged into the programming board. The code from the EPROM or the master MCU is read and programmed into the ST62 EPROM or OTP device. Both VERIFY and BLANK CHECK functions are provided.
■ Programs the ST62Exx EPROM and OTP MCUs
■ Standalone and Remote modes
■ All packages supported (except SSOP)
■ Windows 95, 98, NT software
■ S19 or INTEL hex file formats