This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides detail to the architecture and feature set of the Intel® Server Board SE7210TP1-E.
The target audience for this document is anyone wishing to obtain more in depth detail of the server board than what is generally made available in the board’s Users Guide. It is a technical document meant to assist people with understanding and learning more about the specific features of the board.
This is one of several technical documents available for this server board. All of the functional sub-systems that make up the board are described in this document. However, certain low level detail of specific sub-systems is not included. Design level information for specific sub-systems can be obtained by ordering the External Product Specification (EPS) for a given sub-system. The EPS documents available for this server board include the following:
• Intel® Server Board SE7210TP1-E BIOS External Product Specification
• Intel Server Management Essential Firmware EPS
These documents are not made publicly available and must be ordered by your local Intel representative.