RF Micro Devices
Product Description
The RF6525 integrates a complete solution in a single Front End Module (FEM) for ZigBee® applications in the 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz band. This FEM integrates the PA plus harmonic filter in the transmit path and the LNA with bypass mode in the receive side. It also integrates a diversity switch and provides balanced input and output signals for both the TX and RX paths respectively.
◾ TX Output Power: 22dBm
◾ RX Gain: 11.5dB
◾ RX NF: 2.5dB
◾ Integrated RF Front End
Module with TX/RX balun, PA,
Filter, LNA with Bypass Mode
and DP2T Switch.
◾ Dual Differential Transceiver
◾ ZigBee® 802.15.4 Based
Systems for Remote
Monitoring and Control
◾ 2.4GHz ISM Band
◾ Smart Meters for Energy