General description
General information
WISMO Quik Q24x6 is a self-contained E-GSM/GPRS 900/1800 or 850/1900 bi band module including the following features :
? 58.4 x 32.2 x 3.9 mm
? 2 Watts EGSM 900/GSM 850 radio section running under 3.6 Volts
? 1 Watt GSM1800/1900 radio section running under 3.6 Volts
? Digital section running under 2.8 Volts
? 3V SIM interface
? Real Time Clock with calendar
? Battery charger
? Echo Cancellation + noise reduction
? Full GSM or GSM/GPRS software stack
? Hardware GPRS class 10 capable
? Complete shielding
? Complete interfacing :
o Power supply
o Serial link
o Audio
o SIM card
o Keyboard
o LCD (not available with AT commands)
WISMO Quik Q24x6 Series has two external connections :
? RF connection pads (to the antenna)
? General Purpose Connector (GPC) to Digital, Keyboard, Audio and Supply
WISMO Quik Q24x6 Series is designed to fit in very small terminals and only some custom functions have to be added to make a complete bi-band solution:
? Keypad and LCD module
? Earpiece and Microphone
? Base connector
? Battery
? Antenna switch
? SIM connector