• Configurable, multi-channel, payload processor for alignment of SONET
virtual tributaries (VTs) or SDH tributary units (TUs). Processes an STS-3 or
STM-1 byte serial data stream.
• Transfers all incoming tributaries in the three STS-1 synchronous payload
envelopes of an STS-3 byte serial stream to the three STS-1 synchronous
payload envelopes of an outgoing STS-3 byte serial stream.
• Transfers all incoming tributaries in the single AU4 or three AU3 administrative
units of an STM-1 byte serial stream to the single AU4 or three AU3
administrative units of an outgoing STM-1 byte serial stream.
• Compensates for pleisiochronous relationships between incoming and
outgoing higher level (STS-1, AU4, AU3) synchronous payload envelope
frame rates through processing of the lower level (VT6, VT3, VT2, VT1.5,
TU3, TU2, TU12, or TU11) tributary pointers.
• Provides multiframe synchronization for ring closure at the headend node in
a SONET/SDH ring.
• Provides independently configurable AU3/AU4 frame format on incoming and
outgoing directions.
• Configurable to process any legal mix of tributaries such as VT1.5, VT2, VT3,
VT6, TU11, TU12, TU2, or TU3. Each VT group or TUG2 can be configured
to carry one of four tributary types. TUG2s can be multiplexed into VC3s or
TUG3s. Each TUG3 can also be configured to carry a TU3.
• Optionally frames to the H4 byte in the path overhead to determine tributary
multiframe boundaries. Internally generated H4 bytes with leading logic 1 bits
are inserted into the outgoing administrative units.
• Verifies parity on the IC1J1 and ISPE signals and on the incoming data
stream and generates parity on the outgoing data stream.
• Detects loss of pointer and re-acquisition for each tributary and optionally
generates interrupts. Loss of pointer detection can optionally generate
tributary path AIS.
• Allows insertion of all zeros or all ones tributary idle code with unequipped
indication and valid pointer into any tributary.
• Allows insertion of tributary path AIS into any tributary.
• Operates in conjunction with the PM5323 TSPP Triple SONET/SDH Payload
Processor and the PM5344 SONET/SDH Path Terminating Transceiver to
align tributaries such that they can be switched by the PM5371 TUDX
SONET/SDH Tributary Unit Cross-Connect.
• Operates from a single 19.44 MHz clock.
• Provides a generic 8-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration,
control, and status monitoring.
• Low power, +5 Volt, CMOS technology, TTL compatible inputs and outputs.
• 160 pin plastic quad flat pack (PQFP) package
• SONET and SDH Wideband Cross-Connects
• SONET and SDH Add-Drop and Terminal Multiplexers