PMC-Sierra, Inc
• Monolithic single-chip device that integrates eight datacom T1 framers and transmitters for terminating duplex DS1 signals.
• Supports DS1 signals in SF, ESF, or unframed modes.
• Provides ESF bit-oriented code detection/generation, and an HDLC interface for terminating/generating the ESF datalink.
• Supports transfer of PCM data to/from 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s backplane buses. Supports fractional T1 backplane interface with asymmetric transmit/receive n × DS0 rates.
• Supports robbed-bit signaling extraction and insertion on a per-DS0 basis.
• Provides programmable idle code substitution and data inversion on a per-channel basis.
• Provides per-DS0 line loopback and per-link diagnostic and line loopbacks.
• Provides trunk conditioning which forces programmable trouble code substitution on all/selected channels.
• Supports a Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) generator and detector which may be configured for insertion/detection on a n × DS0 basis.
• Supports a 1-second polling interval for access to T1 performance monitoring and HDLC datalinks.
• Pin-compatible to the PM6388 EOCTL Octal E1 Framer.
• Software-compatible with the PM4341A T1XC Single T1 Transceiver, the PM4344 TQUAD Quad T1 Framer, the PM6388 EOCTL Octal E1 Framer and the PM4351 COMET Single T1/E1 Transceiver.
• Seamless interface to the PM7364 FREEDM-32 HDLC controller, the PM7366 FREEDM-8 HDLC controller, the PM8313 D3MX single-chip M13 multiplexer, and the PM4314 QDSX quad line interface unit.
• Provides an 8-bit microprocessor bus interface for configuration, control, and status monitoring.
• Low power 3.3V CMOS technology with 5 V tolerant inputs.
• Supports standard 5-signal P1149.1 JTAG boundary scan.
• Available in a rectangular 128-pin PQFP 14 by 20 mm package.
• High-Density Internet T1 Interfaces for Multiplexers, Switches, Routers, and Digital Modems
• Frame Relay Switches and Access Devices (FRADS)
• T1 Performance Monitoring
• SONET/SDH Add/Drop Multiplexers (ADMs)