ON Semiconductor
Hot Swappable I2C-Bus and SMBus Bus Buffer
The PCA9511A is a hot swappable I2C−bus and SMBus buffer that allows I/O card insertion into a live backplane without corrupting the data and clock buses. Control circuitry prevents the backplane from being connected to the card until a stop command or bus idle occurs on the backplane without bus contention on the card. When the connection is made, the PCA9511A provides bidirectional buffering, keeping the backplane and card capacitances isolated.
• Bidirectional Buffer for SDA and SCL Lines Increases Fan−Out and Prevents SDA and SCL Corruption During Live Board Insertion and Removal from Multipoint Backplane Systems
• V/t Rise Time Accelerators on all SDA and SCL lines
• Active HIGH ENABLE Input
• Active HIGH READY Open−Drain Output
• High−Impedance SDA and SCL for VCC = 0 V
• 1 V precharge on all SDA and SCL Lines
• Supports Clock Stretching and Multiple Master arbitration/Synchronization
• VCC Operating Range: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
• I2C and SMBus SCL Clock Frequency up to 1 MHz
• Alternate Features for PCA9510A/PCA9512A/PCA9513A/PCA9514A
• Available in: Micro8, SOIC−8
• ESD Performance: 8000 V HBM, 600 V MM, 2000V CDM
• These are Pb−Free Devices
• cPCI, VME, AdvancedTCA cards and other multipoint backplane cards that are required to be inserted or removed from an operating system