Vectron International
Vectron International has introduced a series of low-profile, low cost, surface mount, Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs) available in frequencies from 10 MHz to 50 MHz.
The OSC series low-profile (0.09 inch maximum height), surface mount TCXOs can be mounted using the standard convection reflow process. The units feature a ±1.5 PPM frequency vs. temperature characteristic over a -20°C to +70°C operating range and operate from a 3.0V or 5V supply. Current drain <2.0 mA. Aging <1ppm/year and phase noise is -125 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz and -150 dbc/Hz at 100 kHz.
The OSC series of TCXOs and TCVCXOs has been designed for pick-and-place mounting and reflow soldering. Units are available on tape-and-reel at no additional charge. The reel size is 2000 pcs. and is compatible with EIAJ-1009B standards. The low-cost, miniature units are ideal for wireless handsets, PCMCIA applications, and GPS receivers.
• Low Cost
• 3.0 or 5.0 Vdc Option
• Reflow Solderable
• <2.2 mm Height
• Voltage Tune Option
• Wireless handsets, PCS, GSM, Cellular
• PCMCIA Applications