TT Electronics.
Each OPI150 and OPI153 is an opƟcally coupled isolator that contains an infrared emiƫng diode and a NPN silicon phototransistor (OPI150) or photodarlington (OPI153), each sealed in an individual hermeƟcally sealed package. The diode and phototransistor or diode and photodarlington are then opƟcally coupled by means of a light pipe and mounted in a high dielectric plasƟc housing. These devices are designed for applicaƟons that require very high isolaƟon between input and output.
• 50 kV electrical isolation
• Choice of phototransistor or photodarlington output
• High speed >5 MBd (OPI155)
• HermeƟcally sealed LED and photosensor
• Base contact lead for convenƟonal transistor biasing
• TX and TXV process available (see Hi-Rel section)
• Requiring high voltage isolation between input and output
• Electrical isolation in dirty environments
• Industrial equipment
• Medical equipment
• Office equipment