TT Electronics.
Each Optoisolator in this data sheet contains an infrared Light Emitting Diode (LED) and a NPN silicon Photosensor. The OPI120 has an 890 nm Light Emitting Diode (LED) and NPN phototransistor sensor, whereas the OP123 has a 890 nm LED and a photodarlington sensor. The devices are sealed in a precast opaque housing with a optically transmissive path between the LED and the photosensor.
• 15 kV dc electrical isolation
• Choice of phototransistor or photodarlington output
• Hermetically sealed LED and photosensor
• Base contact for conventional transistor biasing (OP120 only)
• UL recognized File No. E58730
• Wide operating temperature range
• High voltage isolation between input and output
• Electrical isolation in dirty environments
• Industrial equipment
• Medical equipment
• Office equipment