Analog Devices
The OP77 significantly advances the state-of-the-art in precision op amps. The OP77’s outstanding gain of 10,000,000 or more is maintained over the full 10 V output range. This exceptional gain-linearity eliminates incorrectable system nonlinearities common in previous monolithic op amps, and provides superior performance in high closed-loop gain applications. Low initial VOS drift and rapid stabilization time, combined with only 50 mW power consumption, are significant improvements over previous designs. These characteristics, plus the exceptional TCVOS of 0.3 mV/∞C maximum and the low VOS of 25 mV maximum, eliminates the need for VOS adjustment and increases system accuracy over temperature.
Outstanding Gain Linearity
Ultrahigh Gain 5000 V/mV Min
Low VOS Over Temperature 60 μV Max
Excellent TCVos 0.3 μV/C Max
High PSRR 3 μV/V Max
Low Power Consumption 60 mW Max
Fits OP07, 725,108A/308A, 741 Sockets
Available in Die Form