NTE Electronics
The NTE7018 is a TV subsystem circuit intended to be used for base–band demodulation applications. This circuit consists of all small–signal functions (except the tuner) required for a quality color television receiver. The only additional circuits needed to complete a receiver are a tuner, the deflection output stages, and a color decoder. The NTE1567 NTSC color decoder, and the NTE1754 vertical output, are ideal complements for the NTE7018.
Vision IF amplifier with synchronous demodulation
Tuner AGC (negative–going control voltage with increasing signal)
AGC detector for negative modulation
AFC circuit
Video preamplifier
Sound IF amplifier, demodulator, and preamplifier
DC volume control
Horizontal synchronization circuit with two control loops
Extra time constant switches in the horizontal phase detector
Vertical synchronization (divider system) and sawtooth generator with automatic amplitude adjustment for 50 or 60HZ
Three level sandcastle pulse
Color television receiver
CATV converters
Base–band processing