Fairchild Semiconductor
General Description
The NM27C010 is a high performance, 1,048,576-bit Electrically Programmable UV Erasable Read Only Memory. It is organized as 128K-words of 8 bits each. Its pin-compatibility with byte-wide JEDEC EPROMs enables upgrades through 8 Mbit EPROMs. The “Don’t Care” feature during read operations allows memory expansions from 1M to 8M bits with no printed circuit board changes.
The NM27C010 can directly replace lower density 28-pin EPROMs by adding an A16 address line and VCC jumper. During the normal read operation PGM and VPP are in a “Don’t Care” state which allows higher order addresses, such as A17, A18, and A19 to be connected without affecting the normal read operation. This allows memory upgrades to 8M bits without hardware changes. The NM27C010 is also offered in a 32-pin plastic DIP with the same upgrade path.
■ High performance CMOS
—70 ns access time
■ Fast turn-off for microprocessor compatibility
■ Simplified upgrade path
—VPP and PGM are “Don’t Care” during normal read operation
■ Manufacturers identification code
■ Fast programming
■ JEDEC standard pin configurations
—32-pin PDIP package
—32-pin PLCC package
—32-pin CERDIP package