ON Semiconductor
Silicon Tuning Diode
This device is designed for FM tuning, general frequency control and tuning, or any top−of−the−line application requiring back−to−back diode configurations for minimum signal distortion and detuning.
• High Figure of Merit ⎯Q = 140 (Typ) @ VR = 3.0 Vdc, f = 100 MHz
• Guaranteed Capacitance Range
37−42 pF @ VR = 3.0 Vdc (MV104)
• Dual Diodes − Save Space and Reduce Cost
• Monolithic Chip Provides Near Perfect Matching − Guaranteed ±1.0% (Max) Over Specified Tuning Range
• This device is available in Pb−free package(s). Specifications herein apply to both standard and Pb−free devices. Please see our website at www.onsemi.com for specific Pb−free orderable part numbers, or contact your local ON Semiconductor sales office or representative.