M.S. Kennedy
The MSK 4222 is a complete H-Bridge circuit to be used for DC brushed motor control or Class D switchmode amplification. All of the drive/control circuitry for the lowside and highside switches are internal to the circuit. The 250KHz PWM circuitry is internal as well, leaving the user to only provide an analog signal for the motor speed/direction, or audio signal for switchmode audio amplification. The MSK 4222 is constructed on a space efficient ceramic coated insulated metal substrate that can be directly connected to a heatsink.
• Low Cost Complete H-Bridge
• 8 Amp Capability, 75 Volt Maximum Rating
• Self-contained Smart Lowside/Highside Drive Circuitry
• Internal 250KHz PWM Generation, Shoot-through Protection
• Isolated Case Allows Direct Heatsinking
• Four Quadrant Operation, Torque Control Capability
• Logic Level Disable Input
• Logic Level High Side Enable Input for Special Modulation or Function