Motorola => Freescale
RF Power Field Effect Transistors
N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Lateral MOSFETs
Designed for W-CDMA base station applications with frequencies from 2110 to 2170 MHz. Suitable for TDMA, CDMA and multicarrier amplifier applications. To be used in Class AB for PCN - PCS/cellular radio and WLL applications.
• Typical 2-carrier W-CDMA Performance for VDD = 28 Volts,
IDQ = 1300 mA, f1 = 2135 MHz, f2 = 2145 MHz, Channel Bandwidth =
3.84 MHz, Adjacent Channels Measured over 3.84 MHz BW @ f1 -5 MHz
and f2 +5 MHz, Distortion Products Measured over a 3.84 MHz BW
@ f1 -10 MHz and f2 +10 MHz, Peak/Avg. = 8.5 dB @ 0.01% Probability
on CCDF.
Output Power — 33 Watts Avg.
Power Gain — 12.5 dB
Efficiency — 25%
IM3 — -37 dBc
ACPR — -39 dBc
• Internally Matched, Controlled Q, for Ease of Use
• High Gain, High Efficiency and High Linearity
• Integrated ESD Protection
• Designed for Maximum Gain and Insertion Phase Flatness
• Capable of Handling 10:1 VSWR, @ 28 Vdc, 2140 MHz, 125 Watts CW Output Power
• Excellent Thermal Stability
• Characterized with Series Equivalent Large-Signal Impedance Parameters
• Qualified Up to a Maximum of 32 VDD Operation
• In Tape and Reel. R3 Suffix = 250 Units per 56 mm, 13 inch Reel.