Micro Linear Corporation
The ML2340 and ML2350 are CMOS voltage output, 8-bit D/A converters with an internal voltage reference and a µP
interface. These devices are designed to be powered by a single supply, although they can be powered from dual
power supplies.
■Programmable output voltage gain settings of 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4provide 8-, 9-, 10-, or 11-bit effective resolution around zero
■AGND to VCCoutput voltage swing
■Bipolar or unipolar output voltage
■4.5V to 13.2V single supply or ±2.25V to ±6.5V dual-supply operation
■Transparent latch allows microprocessor interface with 30ns setup time
■Data flow-through mode
■Voltage reference output
ML2340 ........................................... 2.25V or 4.50V
ML2350 ........................................... 2.50V or 5.00V
■Nonlinearity ....................................±1/4LSB or ±1/2LSB
■Output voltage settling time over temperature and supply voltage tolerance
Within 1V of VCCand AGND ................... 2.5µs max
Within 100mV of VCCand AGND ............... 5µs max
■TTL and CMOS compatible digital inputs
■Low supply current (5V supply) ..................... 5mA max
■18-pin DIP or surface mount SOlC