Motorola => Freescale
Triple D Flip-Flop With Set and Reset
The MC100LVEL30 is a triple master–slave D flip flop with differential outputs. The MC100EL30 is pin and functionally equivalent to the MC100LVEL30 but is specified for operation at the standard 100E ECL voltage supply. Data enters the master latch when the clock input is LOW and transfers to the slave upon a positive transition on the clock input.
In addition to a common Set input individual Reset inputs are provided for each flip flop. Both the Set and Reset inputs function asynchronous and overriding with respect to the clock inputs.
• 1200MHz Minimum Toggle Frequency
• 20–Lead SOIC Packaging
• 550ps Typical Propagation Delays
• Set and Reset Inputs
• Supports both Standard and Low Voltage 100K ECL
• Internal Input Pulldown Resistors
• >2000V ESD Protection