Cypress Semiconductor
The MB90350E series, loaded 1 channel FULL-CAN* interface and Flash ROM, is general-purpose Cypress 16-bit microcontroller designing for automotive and industrial applications. Its main feature is the on-board CAN interface, which conforms to CAN standard Version2.0 Part A and Part B, while supporting a very flexible message buffer scheme and so offering more functions than a normal full CAN approach.
■ Built-in PLL clock frequency multiplication circuit
■ Selection of machine clocks (PLL clocks) is allowed among frequency division by two on oscillation clock, and multiplication of 1 to 6 times of oscillation clock (for 4 MHz oscillation clock, 4 MHz to 24 MHz).
■ Operation by sub clock (up to 50 kHz : 100 kHz oscillation clock divided by two) is allowed (devices without S-suffix only) .
■ Minimum execution time of instruction : 42 ns (when operating with 4-MHz oscillation clock, and 6-time multiplied PLL clock).
■ Built-in clock modulation circuit
16 Mbytes CPU memory space
24-bit internal addressing
Instruction system best suited to controller
■ Wide choice of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word)
■ Wide choice of addressing modes (23 types)
■ Enhanced multiply-divide instructions with sign and RETI instructions
Clock supervisor (MB90x356x and MB90x357x only)
Main clock or sub clock is monitored independently.
Enhanced high-precision computing with 32-bit accumulator
Instruction system compatible with high-level language (C language) and multitask
■ Employing system stack pointer
■ Enhanced various pointer indirect instructions
■ Barrel shift instructions
Increased processing speed
4-byte instruction queue
Powerful interrupt function
■ Powerful 8-level, 34-condition interrupt feature
■ Up to 8 channels external interrupts are supported.
Automatic data transfer function independent of CPU
■ Extended intelligent I/O service function (EI2OS): up to 16 channels
■ DMA: up to 16 channels
Low power consumption (standby) mode
■ Sleep mode (a mode that stops CPU operating clock)
■ Main timer mode (a timebase timer mode switched from the main clock mode)
■ PLL timer mode (a timebase timer mode switched from the PLL clock mode)
■ Watch mode (a mode that operates sub clock and watch timer only)
■ Stop mode (a mode that stops oscillation clock and sub clock)
■ CPU intermittent operation mode
CMOS technology
I/O port
■ General-purpose input/output port (CMOS output)
49 ports (devices without S-suffix : devices that correspond to sub clock)
51 ports (devices with S-suffix : devices that do not correspond to sub clock)
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