Maxim Integrated
General Description
The MAX396/MAX397 low-voltage, CMOS analog multiplexers (muxes) offer low on-resistance (100Ω max), which is matched to within 6Ωbetween switches and remains flat over the specified signal range (10Ωmax). They also offer low leakage over temperature (input off-leakage current less than 1nA at +85°C) and fast switching speeds (transition time less than 250ns). The MAX396 is a 16-channel device, and the MAX397 is a dual 8-channel device.
♦Pin Compatible with MAX306/MAX307,DG406/DG407, DG506A/DG507A
♦Single-Supply Operation (+2.7V to +16V)
Dual-Supply Operation (±2.7V to ±8V)
♦Low On-Resistance (100Ωmax)
♦Guaranteed RON Match Between Channels (6Ω max)
♦Guaranteed RON Flatness over Specified Signal Range (10Ω max)
♦Guaranteed Low Charge Injection (5pC max)
♦Input Off-Leakage Current < 1nA at +85°C
♦Output Off-Leakage Current < 2.5nA at +85°C
♦Low Power Consumption < 10µW
♦TTL/CMOS Compatible