Dynex Semiconductor
The MA3690/1 chip set has three modes of operation: remote terminal, bus controller, and passive monitor It has a dual bus capability, requires minimum support hardware / software and is implemented on a radiation hard, CMOS/SOS process. For applications requiring access to Terminal Flag, a 48-Pin DIL MA3693 is available as an alternative to the MA3690.
As a remote terminal, the MA3690/1 is fully compatible with Mil-Std-1553B. The chip set obtained SEAFAC approval in December 1987. All options and mode commands specified by the Mil Std are implemented Full and meaningful use is made of status word bits and a comprehensive bit word is provided.
A unique mechanism has been incorporated that allows the subsystem to declare illegal commands legal, and vice versa, before the chip set services the command. It should be noted that use of this mechanism is optional and that the system defaults to normal operation if the option is not required. The chip set is easily interfaced to subsystem memory and is sufficiently flexible to ensure compatibility with a wide range of microprocessors.
■ Radiation Hard to 1MRads (Si)
■ High SEU Immunity, Latch-Up Free
■ CMOS-SOS Technology
■ All Inputs and Outputs Fully TTL or CMOS Compatible
■ Military Temperature Range -55 to +125°C
■ Dual Bus Capability
■ Minimal Subsystem Interface
■ Powerful Bus Control Facility
■ Complete Remote Terminal Protocol
■ SEAFAC Approved