M36P0R9060E0ZACF Даташит - STMicroelectronics
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Summary description
The M36P0R9060E0 combines two memory devices in a Multi-Chip Package:
● 512-Mbit Multiple Bank Flash memory (the M58PR512J)
● 64-Mbit PSRAM (the M69KB096AM)
The purpose of this document is to describe how the two memory components operate with respect to each other. It must be read in conjunction with the M58PRxxxJ and M69KB096AM datasheets, where all specifications required to operate the Flash memory and PSRAM components are fully detailed. These datasheets are available from the STMicroelectronics website: www.st.com.
Recommended operating conditions do not allow more than one memory to be active at the same time.
The memory is offered in a Stacked TFBGA107 package. It is supplied with all the bits erased (set to ‘1’).
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Компоненты Описание
512 Mbit (x16, Multiple Bank, Multi-Level, Burst) Flash memory 128 Mbit (Burst) PSRAM, 1.8V supply, Multi-Chip Package
Numonyx -> Micron
256 Mbit (16Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Multi-Level, Burst) 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
128 Mbit (8Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Multi-Level, Burst) 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
64 Mbit (4Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) Flash Memory and 16 Mbit (1Mb x16) PSRAM, Multi-Chip Package
64 Mbit (4Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
32 Mbit (2Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) Flash Memory and 4 Mbit SRAM, 1.8V Supply Multi-Chip Package
64 Mbit (4Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) Flash Memory and 8 Mbit (512Kb x16) SRAM, Multi-Chip Package
256 Mbit (x16, multiple bank, multilevel, burst) Flash memory 128 Mbit (burst) PSRAM, 1.8 V supply, multichip package
Numonyx -> Micron
64 Mbit (4Mb x 16, Multiple Bank, Burst ) 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
64 Mbit (4Mb x 16, Multiple Bank, Burst) 1.8V Supply Flash Memory