Banner Engineering Corp.
The T-GAGE analog sensor is a passive, non-contacting, temperature-based device. It is used to detect object temperature within a sensing window and output a proportional voltage or current.
18 mm Sensor with 0 to 10 V and 4 to 20 mA Analog Output and TEACH Configuration
To view or download the latest technical information about this product, including specifications, dimensions, accessories, and wiring, see www.bannerengineering.com.
• Fast 75 ms response time
• Easy-to-use TEACH configuration without potentiometer adjustments
• Small, self-contained package; no auxiliary controller needed
• Rugged encapsulated design for harsh environments
• Choice of 2 meter or 9 meter unterminated cable, or 5-pin M12/Euro-style quick disconnect
• Product motion not required for sensing
• Remote configuration available in both Static and Dynamic modes
• Alarm output for signal maximum
• Configuration for either positive or negative analog slope based on teach order