Microsemi Corporation
The LX1562 is a second-generation family of power factor correction controllers using a discontinuous mode of operation. They are optimized for electronic ballast applications. Many improvements have been made over the original SG3561A controller introduced by Silicon General Semiconductor in 1992.
■ Internal Start-Up Circuit
■ Internal Current Sense Blanking
■ Improved Micropower Start-Up
Current (300µa Max.)
■ Clamped E.A. Output for Lower
Turn-on Overshoot
■ Multiplier Clamp Limits Maximum
Input Current
■ Internal Overvoltage Protection
Replaces Built-in C.S. Offset
■ Pwm Output Clamp Limits Mosfet
Gate Drive Voltage
■ Increased UVLO Hysteresis Reduces
Start-Up Timing (Lx1562 Only)
■ Low Operating Current Consumption
■ Internal 1.5% Reference
■ Totem Pole Output Stage
■ Automatic Current Limiting of Boost
■ Discontinuous Mode of Operation
With No Current Gaps
■ No Slope Compensation Required
■ Electronic Ballast
■ Switching Power Supplies