Linear Technology
The LTC®6930 series is a family of very low power precision silicon oscillators with a frequency error less than 0.09%. For each oscillator, the user can select one of 8 frequencies between 32.768kHz and 8.192MHz. Based on a fixed master oscillator frequency, internal frequency dividers between 1 and 128 provide the 8 different frequencies. The LTC6930 requires no external components other than power supply bypass capacitors. Requiring only a single 1.7V to 5.5V supply enables operation from a single Li-Ion cell or 2 AA alkaline cells.
■ Frequency Error <0.09% Max at 25°C
■ Startup Time <110μs at All Frequencies
■ 1.7V to 5.5V Single Supply Operation
■ 105μA Typical Supply Current at 32kHz, V+ = 3V
■ 490μA Typical Supply Current at 8MHz, V+ = 3V
■ Typical RMS Period Jitter <0.15% at V+ = 3V
■ No External Components to Set Frequency
■ 5 Options Cover 32.768kHz to 8.192MHz:
LTC6930-4.19: 4.194304MHz ÷ N
LTC6930-5.00: 5.000000MHz ÷ N
LTC6930-7.37: 7.373800MHz ÷ N
LTC6930-8.00: 8.000000MHz ÷ N
LTC6930-8.19: 8.192000MHz ÷ N
Where N = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
(N Determined by State of DIVA, DIVB, DIVC Pins)
■ –40°C to 125°C Operating Temperature Range
■ Tiny 2mm × 3mm DFN or MS8 Package
■ Digitally Controlled Oscillator
■ Microprocessor Clock
■ Power Supply Clock
■ Portable and Battery Operated Devices