Linear Technology
The LT ®1634 is a micropower, precision, shunt voltage
reference. The bandgap reference uses trimmed precision
thin film resistors to achieve 0.05% initial voltage accuracy. Improved curvature correction technique guarantees 10ppm/°C maximum temperature drift. Advances in
design, processing and packaging techniques guarantee
10µA operation and low temperature cycling hysteresis.
■ Initial Voltage Accuracy: 0.05%
■ Low Operating Current: 10µA
■ Low Drift: 10ppm/°C Max
■ Less Than 1Ω Dynamic Impedance
■ Available in 1.25V, 2.5V, 4.096V and 5V in SO-8 and TO-92 Packages
■ 1.25V and 2.5V Available in MSOP Package
■ Both Commercial and Industrial Temperature Range Parts Are Available
■ Portable Meters
■ Precision Regulators
■ A/D and D/A Converters
■ Calibrators