Linear Technology
The LT® 1004 micropower voltage reference is a 2-terminal bandgap reference diode designed to provide
high accuracy and excellent temperature characteristics at very low operating currents. Optimization of the key parameters in the design, processing and testing of the device results in accuracy specifications previously attainable only with selected units. Below is a distribution plot of reference voltage for a typical lot of LT1004-1.2. Virtually all of the units fall well within the prescribed limits of ±4mV.
■ Guaranteed ±4mV Initial Accuracy LT1004-1.2
■ Guaranteed ±20mV Accuracy LT1004-2.5
■ Guaranteed10µA Operating Current
■ GuaranteedTemperature Performance
■ Operates up to 20mA
■ Very Low Dynamic Impedance
■ Portable Meter References
■ Portable Test Instruments
■ Battery-Operated Systems
■ Current Loop Instrumentation