Sharp Electronics
The LH52256C is a Static RAM organized as 32,768 × 8 bits which provides low-power standby mode. It is fabricated using silicon-gate CMOS process technology.
• 32,768 × 8 bit organization
• Access time: 70 ns (MAX.)
• Supply current:
Operating: 45 mA (MAX.)
10 mA (MAX.) (tRC, tWC = 1 µs)
Standby: 40 µA (MAX.)
• Data retention current: 1.0 µA (MAX.)
(VCCDR = 3 V, TA = 25°C)
• Wide operating voltage range: 4.5 V ± 5.5 V
• Operating temperature:
Commerical temperature 0°C to +70°C
Industrial temperature -40° to +85°C
• Fully-static operation
• Three-state outputs
• Not designed or rated as radiation hardened
• Package:
28-pin, 600-mil DIP
28-pin, 450-mil SOP
28-pin, 300-mil SK-DIP
28-pin, 8 × 3 mm2 TSOP (Type I)
• N-type bulk silicon