SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC78835K and 78835KM are 18-bit digital-to-analog D/A converter CMOS ICs with an on-chip eight-times oversampling digital filter. The LC78835 and the LC78835M are pin compatible.
• Digital filter
— 8 fs oversampling filter: 3-stage finite-impulse response (FIR) filter design (43rd-, 11th-, and third orders)
— De-emphasis filter: Supports fs = 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz
— Soft mute
— Noise shaper
— Supports double-rate sampling
• D/A converter
— Dynamic level-shifting 18-bit digital-to-analog converter
— On-chip 2-channel D/A converter (with corresponding output)
— On-chip output op-amp
— Supports 384 fs, 392 fs, 448 fs, or 512 fs system clock
— Single 5 V supply
— Permits low-voltage operation (3.5 V)
— Low-power silicon-gate CMOS process