Gennum -> Semtech
The LC/LD505 are low voltage, linear monolithic integrated amplifiers with a typical electrical gain of 71 dB. The circuits are comprised of a compensated, unconditionally stable, operational amplifier and a low distortion Class A single transistor output stage with negative feedback for stability over a wide temperature range.
Current trimming in the output stage for inductive or resistive loads can be accomplished by connecting an emitter resistor from RE to ground. The LC/LD505 can operate over a supply voltage range of 1.0 to 1.6 DC.
• 71 dB of gain with 1.3 V supply
• 0.2 to 2.0 mA of transducer current adjustment
• 43 dB of volume control range
• 1.0 to 1.6 V supply operating range
• 2.2 kΩ internal decoupling resistor for microphone bias (LD505 only)
• output limiting capabilities (LD505 only)