SANYO -> Panasonic
• Low idling current (20mA/2 channels) enabling prolonged
battery life.
• Less dependence of idling current on VCC.
• High power (5.3W typ. ×2).
• High ripple rejection (60dB at steady state).
Since filters are arranged in 3 stages (including 1 stage
inside the IC) to attain satisfactory ripple rejection
at transient state, ripple occuring at the time of motor
start can be prevented from mixing in.
• Low pop noise at the time of power supply ON/OFF and
good starting balance between both channels (0.6s.) due
to built-in pop noise limiter.
• Pins provided for compensating high frequency responce.
• Low residual noise (0.4mV).
• Wide supply voltage range (6 to 24V) fascilitating design
of transformer power supply.
• Built-in thermal shutdown circuit,
• Designed so that inverse insertion or short between adjacent pins
causes no destruction.
• Channel-to channel mirror image pin assignment and provision of Pre GND,
Power GND pins enabling stable operation and fascilitating
artwork of printed circuit board.
• Minimum number of external parts required (9pcs. min.,
12pcs. typ.).
• Audio muting capability (for automatic music selection,
electronic tuner).