International Rectifier
The IRPLCFL5E reference design is an electronic ballast for driving 26W compact fluorescent lamps from 220VAC. The circuit provides all of the necessary functions for preheat, ignition and onstate operation of the lamp and also includes the EMI filter and the rectification stage. The circuit is built around the IR2520D Ballast Control IC. The IR2520D provides adjustable preheat time, adjustable run frequency to set the lamp power, high starting frequency for soft start and to avoid lamp flash, fault protection for open filament condition and failure to strike, low AC line protection and auto-restart after line brownout conditions. The IR2520D is a low-cost solution specific for CFL applications. The IR2520D has only 8 pins and allows the component count for the complete ballast to be reduced down to 19 components.
Programmable run frequency
Programmable preheat time
Open filaments and no-lamp protection
Failure to Strike and deactivated-lamp protection
Low AC line protection