IMP, Inc
3/3.3/4.0V µP Supervisor Circuits
– Low supply current
– Watchdog timer
– Brownout detection
The IMP706P/R/S/T/J and IMP708R/S/T/J CMOS supervisor circuits monitor power-supply and battery voltage level, and µP/µC operation. A reset is generated when the supply drops below 2.63V (IMP706P/R, IMP708R), 2.93V (IMP706S, IMP708S), 3.08V (IMP706T, IMP708T) or 4.00 (IMP706J, IMP708J).
The family offers several functional options. Each device generates a reset signal during power-up, power-down and during brownout conditions.
◆ Lower power, pin compatible replacements for Maxim MAX706P/R/S/T, MAX708R/S/T
– 30% lower supply current:140µA vs. 200µA
◆ Precision power supply monitor
– 2.63V threshold (IMP706P/R, IMP708R)
– 2.93V threshold (IMP706S, IMP708S)
– 3.08V threshold (IMP706T, IMP708T)
– New 4.00V threshold (IMP706J, IMP708J)
◆ Debounced manual reset input
◆ Auxiliary voltage monitor comparator
– 1.25V threshold
– Battery monitor/auxiliary supply monitor
◆ Watchdog timer (IMP706P/R/S/T/J)
– Watchdog can be disabled by floating WDI
◆ 200ms reset time delay
◆ Three reset signal options
– Active HIGH: IMP706P
– Active LOW: IMP706R/S/T/J
– Active HIGH & LOW outputs: IMP708R/S/T/J
◆ DIP, SO and MicroSO packages
◆ Guaranteed RESET assertion to VCC = 1.1V
◆ Computers and controllers
◆ CTI applications
◆ Embedded controllers
◆ Battery operated systems
◆ Intelligent instruments
◆ Wireless communication systems
◆ PDAs and handheld equipment