Impala Linear Corporation
General Description
The ILC705/ILC706/ILC707/ILC708 are low cost microprocessor supervisory circuits that monitor power supplies in microprocessor based systems. Circuit functions include a watchdog timer, microprocessor reset, power failure warning and a debounced manual reset input.
The ILC705 and ILC706 offer a watchdog timer function while the ILC707 and ILC708 have an active high reset output in addition to the active low reset output.
Supply voltage monitor levels of 4.65V and 4.4V are available. The ILC705/ILC707 have a nominal reset threshold level of 4.65V while the ILC706 and ILC708 have a 4.4V nominal reset threshold level. When the supply voltage drops below the respective reset threshold level, RESET is asserted.
♦ 4.4V or 4.65V Precision Voltage Monitor
♦ 200ms Reset Pulse Width
♦ Debounced TTL/CMOS Compatible Manual Reset Input
♦ Watchdog Timer with 1.6 sec Timeout (ILC705/ILC706)
♦ Voltage Monitor for Early Power Fail Warning or Low Battery Detect
♦ 8-Pin SOIC or DIP Package
♦ Computers
♦ Controllers
♦ Critical Microprocessor Power Monitoring
♦ Intelligent Instruments
♦ Portable Equipment
♦ Controllers