Holtek Semiconductor
General Description
The Holtek HT32F1755/1765/2755 devices are high performance and low power consumption 32-bit
microcontrollers based around an ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor core. The Cortex™-M3 is a next-generation processor core which is tightly coupled with Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer, and including advanced debug support.
▀ 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M3 processor core
▀ Up to 72MHz operation frequency
▀ 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1)
▀ Single-cycle multiplication and hardware division
▀ Integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
▀ 24-bit SysTick timer
On-chip Memory
▀ 128KBon-chip Flash memory for instruction/data and options storage
▀ up to 64KBon-chip SRAM
▀ Supports multiple boot modes
Flash Memory Controller
▀ Flash accelerator formaximum efficiency
▀ 32-bit word programming with In System Programming Interface (ISP) and In Application Programming (IAP)
▀ Flash protection capability to prevent illegal access
Reset Control Unit
▀ Supply supervisor:
● Power-on Reset – POR
● Brown-out Detector – BOD
● Programmable Low Voltage Detector – LVD
Clock Control Unit
▀ External 4 to 16MHz crystal oscillator
▀ External 32,768Hz crystal oscillator
▀ Internal 8MHz RC oscillator trimmed to ±2% accuracy at 3.3V operating voltage and 25°C operating temperature
▀ Internal 32kHz RC oscillator
▀ Integrated system clock PLL
▀ Independent clock gating bits for peripheral clock sources
Power Management
▀ Single 3.3V power supply: 2.7V to 3.6V
▀ Integrated 1.8V LDO regulator for core and peripheral power supply
▀ VBATbattery power supply for RTC and backup registers
▀ Three power domains: 3.3V, 1.8V and Backup
▀ Four power saving modes: Sleep, Deep-Sleep1, Deep-Sleep2, Power-Down
Analog to Digital Converter
▀ 12-bit SAR ADC engine
▀ Up to 1Msps conversion rate – 1μs at 56MHz, 1.17μs at 72MHz
▀ 8 external analog input channels
▀ Supply voltage range: 2.7V ~ 3.6V
▀ Conversion range: VREF+~ VREF
Analog Operational Amplifier/Comparator
▀ Two Operational Amplifiers or Comparator functions which are software configurable
▀ Supply voltage range: 2.7V ~ 3.6V
I/O Ports
▀ Up to 80 GPIOs
▀ Port A, B, C, D, E are mapped as 16 external interrupts – EXTI
▀ Almost all I/O pins are 5V-tolerant except for pins shared with analog inputs
PWM Generation and Capture Timers – GPTM
▀ Two 16-bit General-Purpose Timers – GPTM
▀ Up to 4-channel PWM Compare Output or Input Capture function for each GPTM
▀ External trigger input