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Philips Electronics
The HEF4028B is a 4-bit BCD to 1-of-10 active HIGH decoder. A 1-2-4-8 BCD code applied to inputs A0 to A3 causes the selected output to be HIGH, the other nine will be LOW. If desired, the device may be used as a 1-of-8 decoder with enable; 3-bit octal inputs are applied to inputs A0, A1 and A2 selecting an output O0 to O7. Input A3 then becomes an active LOW enable, forcing the selected output LOW when A3 is HIGH. The HEF4028B may also be used as an 8-output (O0 to O7) demultiplexer with A0 to A2 as address inputs and A3 as an active LOW data input. The outputs are fully buffered for best performance.